(Voir la FAQ de Postgres wiki)
“Peux-tu me donner ton avis sur le logo de Postgres?”
“Je trouve la couleur un peu fade mais sinon ça va.”
“Tu ne trouves pas qu'il fait vieillot?”
“Un peu, mais vous êtes pas une communauté de jeunes non plus.”
Les messages d'erreur de Postgres sont plutôt bon globalement.
$ pg_dump --format=directory
--file=test -verbose --jobs 5
pg_dump: last built-in OID is 16383
pg_dump: error:
no matching extensions were
$ export PGPASSWORD="******"
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d myDb -w
--no-password -t
-c "SELECT id FROM radusers WHERE id=1"
psql: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
create or replace function allRelevantTeas()
returns table(tea_id integer) as
result refcursor;
stmt text;
countries_with_tea text[] := array[
stmt := '';
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
stmt := stmt ||
format($$(select tea_id from %I)$$, tea_drinker);
if tea_drinker <> 'china' then
stmt := stmt || $$ union $$;
end if;
end loop;
open result for execute stmt;
return result;
language plpgsql stable;
select * from allRelevantTeas();
syntax error at or near "countries_with_tea"
create or replace function allRelevantTeas()
returns table(tea_id integer) as
result refcursor;
stmt text;
countries_with_tea text[] := array[
stmt := '';
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
stmt := stmt ||
format($$(select tea_id from %I)$$, tea_drinker);
if tea_drinker <> 'china' then
stmt := stmt || $$ union $$;
end if;
end loop;
open result for execute stmt;
return result;
language plpgsql stable;
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
foreach tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
/* Use psql, the best Postgres client in the world */
/* Making the script idempotent */
drop schema if exists aoc25 cascade;
create schema aoc25;
set search_path to 'aoc25';
/* Insert data into table */
create table input (
id integer generated always as identity primary key,
data text not null
\copy input(data) from 'input.csv';
create function snafuToDec(snafu text) returns bigint as
with snafu(num, l) as (
select string_to_array(snafu, null),
select sum(
(case when element = '-' then '-1'
when element = '=' then '-2'
else element
power(5, l-idx)
from snafu, unnest(num) with ordinality as a(element, idx);
$snafuToDec$ immutable language sql;
alter table input add column decNumber bigint generated always as (
snafuToDec(data)) stored;
create table power5 (num bigint, pow integer);
insert into power5 (num,pow) (
select power(5,n), n
from generate_series(1,26) t(n)
create function pow5(myNumber bigint) returns text as
with recursive processignpow5(x, num, pow, div, remain, snafu) as (
/* Get the highest power of 5 */
select myNumber as x,
myNumber/num as div,
myNumber%num as remain,
(myNumber/num)::text as snafu
from power5
where myNumber/num > 0
order by num desc
limit 1)
union all
select x,
processignpow5.remain/power5.num as div,
processignpow5.remain%power5.num as remain,
processignpow5.snafu || (processignpow5.remain/power5.num)::text
from processignpow5
inner join power5
on processignpow5.pow-1 = power5.pow)
/* To make the snafu conversion easier, let's add a 0 in the front */
select '0' || snafu || remain::text
from processignpow5
order by num
limit 1
$pow5$ language sql;
create function snafu(mydec5 text) returns text as
with recursive snafu(n, pow5, snafu) as (
select 1 as n,
/* If we have a number over 2 as a last digit, then we need to increase
* the "new" last digit.
* By increasing that number we might reach 5, which is bad, obvisouly as
* this is a number on base 5.
* So, we then need to increate the next digit and put 0 instead as a last
* digit.
* That way, we should never get 5 in the snafu digit */
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) > 3
/* Now we can safely take into account what happens should we have
* a 5 digit as a last number in our array */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-3] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
/* We know we will never get 5 as the digit last digit shouldthe array
* length be 1 because we on purpose added a 0 in front of the base
* 5 number we had converted. */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 2
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 3
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || pow5[3]
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
end as snafu
from (select string_to_array('013140400422344032342', null)) as finalpow5(pow5)
union all
select n+1,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2
then pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
(case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
/* Due to the treatment from before round, we can end up with 5, so we
* need to take that into account */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 5 then '0'
end) || snafu.snafu as snafu
from snafu
where array_length(pow5,1) > 0
case when substring(snafu from 1 for 1) = '0'
then substring(snafu from 2)
else snafu
end as firstStar
from snafu
where snafu is not null
order by n desc
limit 1
$snafu$ language sql;
select snafu(pow5(sum(decNumber)::bigint)) as firstStar
from input;
laetitia=# \i solution.sql
ERROR: column "por5" does not exist
LINE 43:
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] ||
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column
"snafu.pow5" or the column "*SELECT* 1.pow5"
/* Use psql, the best Postgres client in the world */
/* Making the script idempotent */
drop schema if exists aoc25 cascade;
create schema aoc25;
set search_path to 'aoc25';
/* Insert data into table */
create table input (
id integer generated always as identity primary key,
data text not null
\copy input(data) from 'input.csv';
create function snafuToDec(snafu text) returns bigint as
with snafu(num, l) as (
select string_to_array(snafu, null),
select sum(
(case when element = '-' then '-1'
when element = '=' then '-2'
else element
power(5, l-idx)
from snafu, unnest(num) with ordinality as a(element, idx);
$snafuToDec$ immutable language sql;
alter table input add column decNumber bigint generated always as (
snafuToDec(data)) stored;
create table power5 (num bigint, pow integer);
insert into power5 (num,pow) (
select power(5,n), n
from generate_series(1,26) t(n)
create function pow5(myNumber bigint) returns text as
with recursive processignpow5(x, num, pow, div, remain, snafu) as (
/* Get the highest power of 5 */
select myNumber as x,
myNumber/num as div,
myNumber%num as remain,
(myNumber/num)::text as snafu
from power5
where myNumber/num > 0
order by num desc
limit 1)
union all
select x,
processignpow5.remain/power5.num as div,
processignpow5.remain%power5.num as remain,
processignpow5.snafu || (processignpow5.remain/power5.num)::text
from processignpow5
inner join power5
on processignpow5.pow-1 = power5.pow)
/* To make the snafu conversion easier, let's add a 0 in the front */
select '0' || snafu || remain::text
from processignpow5
order by num
limit 1
$pow5$ language sql;
create function snafu(mydec5 text) returns text as
with recursive snafu(n, pow5, snafu) as (
select 1 as n,
/* If we have a number over 2 as a last digit, then we need to increase
* the "new" last digit.
* By increasing that number we might reach 5, which is bad, obvisouly as
* this is a number on base 5.
* So, we then need to increate the next digit and put 0 instead as a last
* digit.
* That way, we should never get 5 in the snafu digit */
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) > 3
/* Now we can safely take into account what happens should we have
* a 5 digit as a last number in our array */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-3] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
/* We know we will never get 5 as the digit last digit shouldthe array
* length be 1 because we on purpose added a 0 in front of the base
* 5 number we had converted. */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 2
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 3
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || pow5[3]
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
end as snafu
from (select string_to_array('013140400422344032342', null)) as finalpow5(pow5)
union all
select n+1,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
(case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
/* Due to the treatment from before round, we can end up with 5, so we
* need to take that into account */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 5 then '0'
end) || snafu.snafu as snafu
from snafu
where array_length(pow5,1) > 0
case when substring(snafu from 1 for 1) = '0'
then substring(snafu from 2)
else snafu
end as firstStar
from snafu
where snafu is not null
order by n desc
limit 1
$snafu$ language sql;
select snafu(pow5(sum(decNumber)::bigint)) as firstStar
from input;